City of Perris
Recent News About City of Perris View More
CITY OF PERRIS: $500 Mllion Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program
The State of California has announced a $500 million Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant program for eligible small business owners and nonprofits who have been impacted by COVID-19 and the health and safety restrictions
CITY OF PERRIS: Attention Perris Residents: The City Needs Your Help
Please provide your valuable feedback to help shape the City’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
CITY OF PERRIS: Partners with Riverside County BCC for Local Food Bank
The City of Perris is Partnering with the Riverside County Black Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Community Wellness Transportation Program, Covered California, Health Net, Blue Shield and IE Smokeout, on a local Riverside County Food Drive on Saturday, December 19, 2020.
CITY OF PERRIS: To Host COVID-19 Testing Site
The City of Perris, in partnership with the county of Riverside, will host a testing site for the novel coronavirus COVID-19 from December 15 to December 18, 2020 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Bob Glass Gymnasium on the main City Hall campus.
CITY OF PERRIS: Grab and Go Evening Meal Schedule Has Been Adjusted
Starting this Thursday, December 3rd, evening service at Perris High School and Heritage High School will now be offered from 3:00PM-4:30PM every Thursday.
CITY OF PERRIS: Goetz Road Will Be Closed From November 30 - December 4
Goetz Road will be closed to all through traffic from November 30 - December 4 between Case Road and Fieldstone Drive.
CITY OF PERRIS: GEAR Program Brings New Bike Lanes to Perris
The Getting Everyone to Actively Ride (GEAR) project under CDBG funding is currently under construction and is looking toward a December 2020 completion, Perris officials announced on November 13, 2020.
CITY OF PERRIS: City Hall Plan Power Outage
Southern California Edison has scheduled a plan power outage affecting city hall between the hours of 8 a.m. to noon.
CITY OF PERRIS: City Seeks Community Input on Two Parks for Grant Applications
The City of Perris is seeking community input on two local parks, as they apply for Prop 68 Statewide Program Grant Funds
CITY OF PERRIS: Seeks Public Input on Community Needs for Parks and Recreation
The City of Perris is developing a Parks and Recreation Master Plan and is seeking community input City officials announced on Tuesday, October 13, 2020.
CITY OF PERRIS: City Offers Digital Communications Survey for Residents
This survey is designed to receive input from the Perris community on how the City disseminates messaging to residents on a variety of platforms.